Becoming A Household Name
Becoming A Household Name
There Will Be Blood

There Will Be Blood

with Claudia Blood

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My guest, Claudia Blood, writes across the spectrum of genres. I unabashedly loved talking to her, and a great deal of our discussion wandered away from marketing and focused on technique and philosophy.

If you enjoy Claudia as much as me, you’re going to want to read her books. Starting on her website, you can discover her whole world.

Becoming A Household Name
Becoming A Household Name
I'm on a journey to become a household name just like the authors I love. This podcast is my story, documented in detail. Everything from the way I eat, the exercise routine I follow, and my approach to getting attention in any form, I'll share here—failures and successes alike. If you follow along, you're free to borrow anything you'd like for your own journey.