I've had success in the past on Keto, and am going to give that a go again.

I expect carnivor is just the meat and cheese part with out the low-carb vegitables?

Happy New Year. So clag Chewie got to ring it in with you.

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Yeah, pretty close. I tried Keto threeish years ago, and as crazy as this sounds, I really struggled with it, because I didn't know what to eat, and I was so focused on getting into ketosis.

With Carnivore, I know the diet is meat, eggs, salt, and water in any quantities that I hunger for, I find it really easy. It's shocking what I'm experiencing on this diet too. I was having daily foot pain from my rucking, and that his cleared up in just five days of Carnivore.

I was also having a host of digestive issues, and those are gone too. I'm sleeping better, and feeling more energetic. Probably some of that, as I said in the podcast, is due to alcohol cessation, and some is undoubtably placebo, but the weight loss is real, and I'm amazed by it!

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