May 15, 2023Liked by Jody J. Sperling

LOVE LOVE LOVE the opening music. Oh my gosh. It's awesome!

I totally get Joe's experience of not having friends and cleaving to the radio (for me, it was due to a love of music) and talking and getting to know all the folks in that world. Eventually, my first career was in advertising. I didn't have the "drive" or focus that Joe expresses. I was always supposed to be a singer, so my (public) personality was overt and focused more on first impressions and charm than anything else. I loved hearing about Joe's path.

I also get your school experience - I was the loser (big time). In fact, the high school football team's joke was to publicly dedicate Little River Band's "Lonesome Loser" to me over the school intercom. That was humiliating.

This was an immensely encouraging episode, in the most unlikely way. It was raw and honest...and frank. Having Joe - someone who's not an author - come on and talk about motivation, dreams, failures, and the things we all go through really reaches into the heart of us all, individually. We're all that person. It helps hold a mirror up to show us who we are inside.

Inspiring. Challenging. I really, really enjoyed the show. And I can see this concept of spending time "on purpose" very clearly. I've wasted my fair share. I'm trying to do better.

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Great message about how to delegate your time. Don't die with regrets! Hustle culture is a myth. If you died tomorrow your job would hire your replacment before your viewing!

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That "Fah-King Story" had me dying! 98 Rock was the best! Glad you had Radke on the show. Joe is a great dude!!

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jody J. Sperling

Thank you both for the kind words. It’s very nice to hear (or read) that ‘the world needs more Joe’s’ Hopefully more people get something from this episode.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jody J. Sperling

Such an enjoyable time doing this. It’s interesting hearing yourself played back. Hopefully, folks get some enjoyment and information out of this episode. And look forward to doing it again sometime.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Jody J. Sperling

So much fun to do this. Wayne does a great job on his wrestling analysis on Bob Culture. You also sell your brand and value very well. I may start something soon.

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Dude!!! I appreciate the KeehNation shout out! Joe, if you start a podcast of anything, I would 100% do your show man!!

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