Feb 6, 2023Liked by Jody J. Sperling

This show felt a bit different than others I've listened to. As always, I was rapt by the content. Hearing folks brainstorm possible stories always gets me involved. I laughed at the interactions - out loud. There were parts that took me by surprise. Things that might normally end up on the proverbial cutting room floor. Their inclusion made it an interesting show.

Jody was great as always, and I liked Chris's intervention with the manatee.

As for me, I'd probably have had (if it were my story) the group of boat folks be basically the same group who had gone out originally, so there was a reason for all the followed. And I'd have had the manatee show up again to round that out - maybe save the guy despite the newspaper declaring all were gone. Maybe the manatee even takes him somewhere like an island or something...where the nephew is. This would set up a sequel where the uncle/nephew return somehow to civilization, reunite w/the family, and expose whatever the hell was going on those folks who perished. The uncle not only doesn't go to jail for murder, he's hailed a hero.

Just a thought. I don't write this genre, so I may have plenty of holes there. But it was fun.

This is now how I start my Mondays: TRBM podcast.

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Having the matinee play a recurring role would have been hilarious. I told Chris of the mic that his comedic relief took a fun story and elevated to a great one. Always, my gripe with horror, and there are exceptions, is the lack of humor. Even in fear, in fact, maybe elevated in fear, you have robust moments of laughter!

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