The Sunk Cost Fallacy-Introducing TRB(AMMO)

The Sunk Cost Fallacy-Introducing TRB(AMMO)

Why we refuse to give up on lost causes, and how we can change that

I’m going to have to up my show notes game going forward, but today, let’s keep is spare. Below is a button to The Decision Lab if you’re listening/reading through Substack—he best place to listen and read through.

What do you think of the TRB(AMMO) logo?

The Decision Lab has some amazing content to further and deepen your familiarity with Sunk Cost Fallacy and learn ways to overcome this crippling thought pattern.

The Decision Lab

If you want more information on Author Marketing Mastery Through Optimization with Steve (aka Lars Emmerich), click this link.

I’ve made a handful of bad decisions in this life, but joining AMMO as a student was not one of those bad decisions, and partnering with AMMO for the future of this show is an amazing opportunity. Big, HUGE, MASSIVE things are coming.

Hey, buy my books, m’kay? Here they are: Paperback, eBooks, audiobook preorders.